Athos writes: ...I find it difficult to “imagine”
“how to do” something after having only read theoretically, “what
to do” and why. Theory will never replace practice and when the latter
is missing my only answer will be one you have read God knows how many times.
My advice is: “find yourself an Expert and Strict Brother” but he
must be a true expert. That is a guide that has already reached the goals he’s
indicating to you; I’ve done this and I found what I was looking for.
Dear Athos,
with regards to what you write, that is how difficult it is to
imagine how to do even knowing what to do, I think that finding “Ariadne’s
thread” – how to find it – it’s impossible to imagine
if nobody shows you. The development of a reasonable and logical mind is not
enough to emancipate the individual. One needs to keep one’s attention
alert and be consistent with it. In my case is quite a big task.
This intermittency of conscience (being and not being) breaks any rhythm of
work, making difficult even the easiest tasks.
Humankind, on the other hand, shows all its slowness through its behaviours,
making the same mistakes again and again, with a nonexistent historical memory,
despite plenty of “examples of rightness” during all ages.
By elaborating your advice, dear Athos, the importance of the meaning of «deciding»
is striking. This is a key word, a door to open. It contains every possibility
but it doesn’t allow “imagine how to do”.
It is surely a necessary requirement in order to overturn the situation of those
who get stuck in their illusory safety; it seems strange, but illusions cost
lots of energy to keep alive.
The time of an individual life is short and the responsibility of one’s
own behaviours, more or less corresponding to one’s choices, grows together
with the knowledge.
I think that what the Masters of Wisdom call the pain of knowledge depends especially
on this. The conscience is more sensitive and therefore is more aware of the
reality of the physical mind, in which it is plunged. It stops being trampled
on and starts reacting to its sensations, according to the standards of its
own awareness and responsibility towards its soul.
Looking for the support of an Expert and Strict Brother, then, is useful as
well as right, if one doesn’t want to be blindfolded when facing obstacles.
On the other hand, if we don’t learn that today is decided our future
karma (fate), we’ll stay on the Threshold of the Path, in the «Hall
of the Lost Steps» where time is lost as well. And when we are aware of
an “initiatory Door” at which we are supposed to knock and we don’t
do it, this means turning our back to the evolution: ours.
I couldn’t quantify the entity of such a refusal, but I think that even
“temporizing in doubt” is for the soul the same as disertion.
A fraternal embrace
Esonet’s Editorial Staff