Knowledge to face obstacles
by Athos A. Altomonte
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Q : Sometimes it happens that some readings, instead of explaining, give a sense of discomfort for the quantity of words used to express one single confuse idea; this doesn't mitigate the sense of inadequacy in order to progress in the development of one's own conscience…so much that the ‘light' seems to remain a dream.
A : Dear friend, the only way I know of facing obstacles inside and outside us, overcoming them and advancing to the next one, which must be overcome as well, is knowledge.
In order to ‘know' we must inquire. But inquiring by assimilating notions can become a way to ‘poison' oneself (this is the disgust you felt). Unless we assimilate genuine ideas from genuine sources, that is from impersonal teachings, viz. teaching not aimed at shaping your conscience or force your mind in any way.
There are many good sources. As many as the levels we must cross before reaching the ‘center' of conscience from which we can start the vertical journey.
The journey inside ourselves starts by visiting the ‘bottom', our own ‘basement' (the mazes of unconsciousness) and continues by spiraling up to the levels of conscience still unknown to our little mind. This is how the mind grows. Through the inner journey that, starting from the ordinary conscience, touches the deepest part called (our) inner sky.
If you like I can help you find a journey, but you need a ‘compass' or a ‘guide'. That is something you must take care of. But look out for bad guides and bad tools.