(Sk.). Literally, “The Enlightened”. The highest degree of knowledge. To become a Buddha one has to break through the bondage of sense and personality; to acquire a complete perception of the REAL SELF and learn not to separate it from all other selves; to learn by experience the utter unreality of all phenomena of the visible Kosmos foremost of all; to reach a complete detachment from all that is evanescent and finite, and live while yet on Earth in the immortal and the everlasting alone, in a supreme state of holiness. (TG)
Means “The Illumined”. In Principle, the process of perfecting is perpetual; therefore, when talking of perfection one must remember the many gradations of perfection meant for particular cycles of the planet and planets, etc. In the case of Buddha, this perfection is immeasurably high as He, together with several other Spirits, came to Earth from the highest planet in the Third Race of our cycle for the acceleration of the evolution of humanity. Therefore, He will not incarnate again on our Earth but only in the last race of the cycle of the highest planet of our solar system. (LHR I, pp 441-442)
see also Buddha Siddharta
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