One of the family of coniferous trees. One of the “lifegivers” which store the heart energy of nature and nourish all the nerve centers with fiery energy.
Plants will indicate the better possibilities. Look for cedars and pines, heather and oak, grass and flowers of vivid color. Natural electrification in a locality is necessary. Large, long needles of evergreen are the best condensers of electricity. (COM, 182)
The ancients advised the placing of one’s hand upon the needles of the young cedars, in order that the condensed prana might penetrate through the fingertips. (H, 14)
A chalice of cedar resin figured in the rituals of the consecration of the kings of the ancient Khorassan. Druids also called the chalice of cedar resin the chalice of life. And only later, with the loss of the realization of the spirit, was it replaced by blood.
The fire of Zoroaster was the result of burning of the cedar resin in the chalice. (LMG II, 72)
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