There are seven main centers and they correspond to the seven principles in man. But for complete crowning, man must kindle all the forty-nine fires which include all the fires of all the centers and their branches. All spiritual centers depend on the heart. The heart is the great accumulator and transmuter of all the energies; it may be called the sun of the organism because of the role it plays. Sometimes the nerve centers are not consciously realized and, being partly opened, often show the symptoms of tuberculosis, asthma, rheumatism, and other diseases. (LHR I, p 240)
In spiritual development, the opening of the centers comes quite normally. The opening of and acting of these centers should first be manifested in their psychic or spiritual aspects. With a constant inner striving toward the Highest, and a broadening of the consciousness, the acceleration of the opening of the centers is quite possible. It comes either with the help and guidance of the Great Teacher of Light, or sometimes from contact with the purified fiery aura of a high disciple. Everything must come from higher to lower, from spiritual to physical, but not vice versa. (LHR I, pp 399-400)
In general, during the opening of the centers one should avoid direct contact with the sun’s rays. Excessive physical exercises, such as sports, are also quite harmful. (LHR I, p 146)
see also Chakra, Perfect Heart
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