Chain of Hierarchy
There is one chain of the Hierarchy of Light, which continues into Infinity and all true Carriers of Light who appear and who are still on our Earth are links of it. (LHR II, p 81)
Only the understanding of Service gives one the right to a manifested link of the Chain. (LHR II, p 61)
Breaking from the Chain is terrifying, for it throws us into space and casts us into chaotic rambling. How many centuries must pass before the spirit that broke away can again grasp a new link! (LHR II, p 246)
Every Hindu knows what devotion to the Guru means. And we know that all the majestic concepts and the whole beauty of Eastern thought evolved precisely from the sequence and succession in the infinite Hierarchic Chain, which consists of links formed by the limitless devotion of a disciple to his Guru. Thus, the East looks upon a Teacher who rejects the Hierarchic principle as upon a dry, rootless tree. To deprive the spirit of reverence for the great concept of the Teacher is equivalent to spiritual suicide. The Great Teachers provide our nurture; without it, not only would we die but so would the whole planet. (LHR II, p 130)
Through the heart one can transport one’s consciousness along the Chain of Hierarchy, thus multiplying one’s strength and becoming invulnerable. (H, 582)
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