Cosmic dissonance. The result of discord and disunity. The antithesis of the aims of the Brotherhood and the benign influence of the Cosmic Magnet.
Evolution is the antipode of Chaos. Evil should be opposed as a manifestation of chaos. (AUM, 283)
It is futile to think that chaos is somewhere faraway; it is admitted by humanity during all disorderly thinking. Only a steadfast consciousness can be a protection against chaos. (BR, 129)
Chaos is jealous and raging. It overwhelms wherever the least vacillation is found. Chaos loses no opportunity of breaking through a weak barrier.
(BR, 269)
It is advisable to observe the methods of the invasion of chaos. Many suppose that the very concept of chaos excludes any system. A representation of chaos as completely formless will be untrue. Even in each life it can be observed how subtly chaos creeps in. It intrudes as an actual decomposing force. (BR, 474)
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