The faculty of seeing with the inner eye or spiritual sight ... Real clairvoyance means the faculty of seeing through the densest matter (the latter disappearing at the will and before the spiritual eye of the Seer), and irrespective of time (past, present and future) or distance. (TG)
Verily, only in the case of the Man-God, or Arhat, when union of the mind with spiritual consciousness is achieved, is it possible to use the terms “Straight- knowledge”, “clairaudience”, and “clairvoyance”. Therefore speaking of the spirituality of primordial man, it is better to apply such expression as, “spiritual consciousness”, “spiritual hearing”, “spiritual sight.”
(LHR I, p 194)
The time will come when clairvoyance, scientifically treated, will help to piece together the fragments of shattered vessels of ancient knowledge. (BR, 231)
see also Circles of Sight and Hearing, Clairaudience
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