You cannot approach the Teaching and the Service without being responsible for all your actions. (LHR I, p 132)
Verily, in the Great Service is the feeling of great responsibility. But one should become accustomed to this chalice, for there can be no shortest path without emptying it. The heart which aspires to Hierarchy feels how necessary and salutary is the Chalice of Offering. (FW II, 14)
The woman who strives to knowledge and beauty, who realizes her lofty responsibility, will greatly uplift the whole level of life. (LHR I, p 7)
It is dangerous not to feel any responsibility. … Each one ascends according to his nature, and responsibility becomes not a burden, but wings. Yet as soon as one wavers, the same responsibility becomes a millstone about one’s neck. Moreover, even with no responsibility we cannot swim in the ocean of the elements. This is not a moral, but a life belt. A farewell is only a new, welcomed reunion. We are not temporary, but infinite beings. (H, 515)
How little do people ponder upon the great affirmation of responsibility! The one who accepts responsibility with obvious light-mindedness or with selfish desires is subject to a terrible karma. When the great Service for the good of humanity is given, responsibility should be carried accordingly. When Our vessel is in the hands of the Carrier, it means that dignity should be preserved, in order that the wondrous vessel may keep its wings. Verily, it is befitting that responsibility be carried by a tempered spirit and with the entire solicitude of the heart. (HIER, 341)
It is said, “Useful people may be sent to you, but you should know how to keep them.” Imagine the position of people who have heard about your cultural activities and, after meeting you, have found out that you do not differ at all from other people! How will such a discovery affect their attitude toward you and your work? Think, too, about those who approach you through the books of the Teaching—what disappointment they will feel when they find that you do not practice the fundamentals of the Teaching! Think of your great responsibility! I shall not enlarge on the diversity of this responsibility, as it should be clear to all who have the seven books of the Teaching. But you must think about it more often, as well as about all the results of spiritual deafness and neglect. (LHR I, pp 128-129)
But until man comprehends all the grandeur of his origin, that his being is an immortal part of the Divine Ego and is eternally changing its forms, and until man realizes his responsibility and that there is no one who can forgive his sins or reward him for his merits, that he himself is the creator of causes and effects, that he is the sower and the reaper of everything created by him—until he realizes all this, he will remain the disseminator and propagator of the insanity, criminality and corruption which threaten our planet with dreadful destruction. (LHR I, p 313)
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