It has been said often— “Rest can be found not in sleep but in change of labor.” True, some may discontinue sleeping and obtain poor results. As a preliminary it is necessary to teach the nerve centers to work in groups, One must disconnect the work of the centers. One must learn to unite the most unexpected groups and then quickly change their combinations. (COM, 167)
Let us agree on the meaning of the concept of rest. Around this concept a multitude of false and harmful interpretations have clustered. People have become accustomed to think that rest is inaction; in this way it has become transformed into psychic enfeeblement. Inaction is most corruptive for psychic energy. Each spiritual immobility will fatigue, not regenerate.
Physicians prescribe rest, quiet, all kinds of inaction, and assume that in a moribund state it is possible to restore strength. But these same physicians understand that weakness and collapse result from violation of equilibrium. Thus, rest is nothing but equilibrium. But equilibrium is a proportionate tension of energy. Only thus is it possible to restore and strengthen one’s
forces …
Let the concept of rest be rightly understood for the manifestation of Brotherhood. Unrest begets aimless bustle. (BR, 44)
The man who knows the cause of fatigue will wisely prescribe rest for himself, summoning to the work completely different centers. (AY, 241)
Rest, like Nirvana, is an effervescence which does not boil away. (BR, 217)
see also Drowsiness, Fatigue
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