As you felt loneliness before, so now you must feel the spirit-knowledge. There is a bidding to each new step. Permit volition to the spirit. Exercise caution, in conformity with the spiritual consciousness. Ask yourself, “What does the spirit wish?” The step of the spirit-knowledge is important. Approaching it, it seems that the spirit is most remote. But this is only apparently so; on the contrary, the spirit knocks powerfully. As one wishes, so should one act. One had better apply it on details than risk using it in massive measure. (LMG II, pp 51-52)
No clairvoyance is equal to the spirit-knowledge. The truth can come through this knowledge. The understanding of the needs of the time comes only by this path.
Prophetic ecstacy avoids exactness of time and place, but the knowledge of the spirit foresees the quality of an event. And the way of this straight-knowledge comes into bloom without visible signs, but it is based upon the opening of the nerve centers.
The priests of old considered the spirit-knowledge to be the highest manifestation, for it could not be attained by any bodily exercises but was achieved through the accumulations of former lives.
Therefore, the care of the spirit-knowledge is expressed not in exercises but by the improvement of the life conditions of the blood vessels which feed the nerves. The principal attention must be paid to the blood pressure, because when the nerves absorb the emanations of the white blood corpuscles the opposite polarity especially reacts. (LMG II, pp 189-190)
see also Straight-Knowledge
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