And is it possible to suppose that one can acquire the synthesized consciousness just in one life unless it was previously accumulated by the spirit during aeons of time by stubborn labor for the acquisition of spiritual knowledge and experience? Indeed, synthesis is the most difficult, the rarest, and the greatest achievement. Verily, this is the crown for those who are completing their earthly path. One may talk of synthesis, but to realize it completely is possible only if one possesses the great accumulations which inevitably raise one above the crowds. (LHR I, p 320)
The true culture of thought is developed by the cultured spirit and heart. Only such a combination gives that great synthesis without which it is impossible to realize the real grandeur, diversity, and complexity of human life in its cosmic evolution. Therefore, while striving to knowledge, may woman remember the Source of Light—those great Minds who, verily, created the consciousness of humanity. In approaching this Source, this leading Principle of Synthesis, humanity will find the way to real evolution. (LHR I, p 7)
But one principle is beyond doubt in determining the Agni Yogi—it is the principle of synthesis. To kindle the fires without the Synthesis of the Chalice is impossible. By this principle you can already determine the quality of the fires. (LHR I, p 22)
Only thought and a great consciousness will conquer everything. Therefore, use all means to broaden your consciousness by absorbing with all your essence every line of the Teaching. A profound and many-sided consciousness and the application of the Covenants of the Teaching into life will give you the key to everything because you will possess a synthesis. (LHR I, p 44)
Imagine an ordinary teacher and an ordinary pupil. What would happen if the pupil protested against all the experience and the indications of the teacher and followed his own methods? How much energy would the fool waste in order to obtain the synthesis of the teacher! By giving to a pupil the synthesis of his accumulated experience, a teacher helps him to save precious time for quicker and farther advancement and for individual creativeness. (LHR I, p 64)
One may possess a brilliant intellect and at the same time not have the great synthesis which gives perception of the true nature of things. Often, narrow specialists are intellectually brilliant but reveal a complete absence of synthesis. And no explanations can help them, as nothing accumulates so slowly as the synthesis. (LHR I, p 496)
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