The noumenon of things. The true, essential nature of things. The nature of things in the causal world.
In essence, each action in the world has a meaning. In essence, every object has a meaning. But if the thought which colors the objects and actions springs from nullity it does not touch the cosmic current. Upon the essence of each manifestation life is built. Therefore, when Service calls for the creation of evolution, then there exists only the principle of Essence. Little do people know about discriminating in the Essence; little does the coloring by humanity correspond to the principle of Essence. Is every human thought affirmed in goal-fitness? Cosmic creativity is built upon the orbits of Essence. Thus, the ever-living is saturated by the subtle fires of the Essence.
Verily, when the essential constructiveness is impelled through the higher fires to give to the world a new step, there are no earthly standards for measuring it. Only that which has identity can produce the identical. That which is affirmed by the highest can be measured only by the highest, and all earthly colorings cannot measure Essence.
The consciousness embracing the measure of life can approach cosmic cooperation by affirmation of the existing. But when the application of vital principles impels the spirit to the law of higher dimensions the meaning of Be-ness is colored by the striving spirit. Thus, the Universe is cognized by each spirit individually, but the essence is cognized by him who has adopted a higher measurement. Every striving thought leads toward higher dimensions.
Each striving thought directed to cognizance of the Universe leads humanity into the higher dimension. Hence, each thought saturated by the fire of a striving Agni Yogi leads to the affirmation of evolution. Therefore, as the purpose of Existence points to the expansion of consciousness, each substance in the Universe points to the law of cooperation. Thus, each fiery thought leads to the affirmation of Essence in Cosmos.
The essence of construction is contained in consciousness. Only when the meaning of cosmic construction is understood can one apply the highest dimensions. Therefore, when the consciousness does not encompass the essence of cosmic construction it constitutes only a partial cognition. But a partial consciousness can grasp only a partial construction. Every integrated striving to cosmic construction is therefore most important, for in it there is evolution and evolutionary creativity. (INF II, 400-404)
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