Far Off Worlds
These terms refer on the one hand to higher dimensions and realms of existence and on the other to the material bodies of the Cosmos. (INF I, 120)
When We summon to the far-off worlds, it is not for a detachment from life but for a discovery of new ways. Only in realizing participation in Infinity may one reach the upper spheres. If we trace the development of the human spirit from the very primitive forms, we will perceive that the variety of forms of the primary spirits branch out into corresponding manifestations. One may call the forms of the present day forms aspiring toward perfection. The forms of the future correspond to the far-off worlds. Having deprived itself of the knowledge of cosmic vistas, humanity has dissociated itself from the manifestations of Infinity and has lost the thread of unity with the beauty of life and with cosmic energy. This cleavage is cruel, and the lost thread turns into a thin cobweb of reality.
We, the Brothers of Humanity, know that there exists a great unembellished and indestructible Reality. Affirm yourselves in the acceptance of the great beauty of Infinity!
Let the far-off worlds live in the consciousness of men as a wondrous kingdom. This is just as indisputable and just as real as the fact that a growing seed gives birth to a flower. The far-off worlds are interpreted only as something illustrative of the concept of distance. But let us regard the far-off worlds—the life there is affirmed in beauty and in striving for achievement; there are the fires of spirit; there is the fire of love; there the seeming excrescences of Earth are transformed into creations of Fire. The fires of the spirit carry knowledge that the passing of the present and the striving into the better future will be the ladder upon which we shall ascend. (INF I, 44)
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