The symbol of Fire is found in all Teachings, and in Cosmos Fire is affirmed as the manifestation of life. The substance of Fire is so radiant that it is impossible to define and describe it. The Cosmic Breath is the Fire of Space. All cosmic manifestations are permeated with Fire and human thought is Fire. Thought gives form; thought gives direction; thought gives life; thought imparts creativeness; thought imparts the attraction of a drawing magnet.
When the spirit kindles its fires, thought creates through the accretion of Materia Lucida. Cosmic thought is comprised in the fiery communion. The Spatial Fire contains the striving energies. Cosmic Fire is boundless in its saturations and its manifestations. Thus, the Cosmic Fire strives with the Cosmic Magnet! (INF I, 372)
When we say “fierily” it means ardently; it means by the higher ways; it means in pure spirit; it means through beauty; it means through the understanding of the Common Good; it means without self-interest, without egotism; it means by applying the Teaching. (INF II, 189)
Fire is the highest element and the approach towards it must be by way of the highest consciousness. One can understand and learn to love the Fire only through this highest consciousness. (FW I, 13)
No one will approach Fire with Fear. No one will approach it with hatred, because Fire is love. (FW I, 49)
You already know about the significance of the thirtieth year for fiery manifestations, but one should especially guard the organism up to the seventh year. In children, even in the most highly developed, one should never force nature—Fire will not tolerate compulsion. One should know how to open the door, but each coercion may cause irreparable harm. On the other hand, one should not inordinately facilitate the child’s striving, since excessive help creates weaklings. Therefore, the Golden Path is ordained. Thus, Fire demands cautious handling in all its manifestations. Clairvoyance and clairaudience are essentially fire-voyance and fire-audience. Fire is needed as the intermediary for all exalted actions. Six hundred times did We speak of the heart; so are We ready to speak six hundred and sixty-six times of the significance of Fire, if only to affirm the definition of Fire as a triumphal ladder. People cannot exist without turning to Fire; in the earthly world or in the Subtle World, they turn to the higher Meditation. But We do not speak of fire worship, for there will be ignoramuses and fanatics who will try to raise this absurd accusation. I speak of the highest attainment, which will bring our subtle body to the Fiery World. (FW I, 19)
see also Fires, Fire of Space, Spatial Fire
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