In each new incarnation we receive an organism limited by the general level of human development and the hereditary influence of ancestors, in addition to the conditions dependent upon our own karma. We are attracted to that environment which is accessible to us, precisely, through our karma. Therefore, the seed of the spirit, in spite of its numerous accumulations can be only partially manifested in each new earthly sheath. It can be observed how a former musical virtuoso will maintain in his new body the understanding of and more or less inclination to this art, but not having the necessary coordination of the centers for particular musical abilities, he could not be a virtuoso. (LHR II, p 315)
Frequently you hear absurd tales of how there occur simultaneous incarnations of one and the same person—a conclusion both ignorant and harmful. Deniers of incarnation make use of such fictions to dispute the possibility of reincarnation. Besides, they forget the reason—which somewhat lessens the guilt—namely imaginative invention. Certain people remember the details of a definite epoch; when they dream of being a well-known person, their remembrance of the dream molds the imagining of an incarnation. The resulting error is in the person, but not in the epoch. A child imagines himself a field marshal, and such a representation already sinks into his Chalice.
(AUM, 491)
see also Reincarnation
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