You already know how I have warned of the fatal danger of irritation. These embittered outcries speed across oceans. He who is more magnanimous must realize his responsibility. Above all, magnanimity will protect from irritation. (FW I, 518)
It is necessary to distinguish between indignation of spirit and irritation. The fire of irritation must be divided into two kinds. When irritation has an impersonal cosmic character, its poison may be removed by a current of prana. But if conceit or self-pity intensify the irritation, then the sediment of poison will be precipitated upon the centers. Then there is no means to eject it; one may only wear it away by cosmic perception. (AY, 31)
Why can Our Community easily avoid irritation? We shall not overestimate the quality of consciousness; but still the fullness of labor remains as the foundation. In labor and in the utilization of prana lies the mystery of the possibility of unity of a group. Such cooperation is possible, and Our followers must not be confused by the varied characters of the co-workers. A sufficiency of labor and the use of nature will give the correct aspect to the nest of labor.
(AY, 134)
Is it not true that unity is difficult, despite the fact that it is prescribed as the extraordinary means needed for everyone? It is difficult to contain unity even temporarily. Is it not true that it is easy to tear oneself away through irritation? It is not difficult to forget about the epoch of Armageddon and about all that exists, just to please the bile. Thus, irritation is not close to astrochemistry.
(H, 373)
A disciple importuned his Teacher with irritation, saying, I read the Teaching at length, but for all that, I do not know how to begin. The Teacher replied, It is evident that you must first of all free yourself from irritation. This most prevents you from seeing the path. (AUM, 583)
see also Imperil
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