Judge, Judgment
Who can take it upon himself to judge that which he does not know? Who presumes to affirm the presence or absence of something unknown? It is more sensible to admit that much exists which is unknown to people. Let people at times reread this simple truth. (BR, 402)
The heart must be the supreme judge. (BR, 385)
One should know how to conquer the illusion of contradictions. It is needful on the one hand to cultivate kindheartedness and on the other to understand austerity. For many, such a task is completely insoluble; only the heart can prompt when the two qualities will not contradict each other. The heart will prompt when it is necessary to rush to the help of one’s neighbor. The heart will indicate when to stop short the madness of a fierce animal. It is impossible to express in a word of law just when the necessity of this or that action becomes evident. Unwritten are the laws of the heart, but only therein does justice dwell, for the heart is the bridge of the worlds.
Where are the scales of self-abnegation? Where is the judge of achievement? Where is the measure of duty? The sword of knowledge flashes at the command of the heart. For the heart there will be no contradiction.
(BR, 121)
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