Let us turn back to the concept of love. In each book a considerable place must be allotted particularly to that fundamental concept. For under the concept of love much of the opposite is understood. It is correctly pointed out that love is a leading and creative principle. It means that love must be conscious, striving, self-denying. Creativeness requires these conditions. And if love is marked by self-enfeeblement, disintegration, and service to self, it will not be the highest concept of humanity, which extols the concept of achievement. The heart filled to the brim with love will be active, valiant, and will expand to its capacity. Such a heart may pray without words and may bath in Bliss. How greatly in need is humanity of the realization of the fire of love! To such a fire will correspond a purple star of the highest tension. (HIER, 280)
Speaking of the kinds of love, let us note the love that holds back and the love that inspires. In essence the first love is earthly, and the second heavenly. But what a multitude of constructive efforts were destroyed by the first! And a similar multitude winged by the second! The first is aware of all the limitations of space and consciousness; but the second has no need of earthly measurements. It is without handicaps of space or considerations of death. The first knows the world as a planet; but the second is not impeded even by the destruction of the planet, because before it are all worlds. Verily, the second love embraces the physical world and the Subtle and Fiery Worlds as well. It kindles hearts for the highest joy and is thus indestructible. (H, 242)
Likewise, the attraction and love between the opposite Elements should be regarded as a manifestation of Cosmic Law. Verily, spiritually dead is the one who lacks this divine fire of inspiration and creativeness, given us by the Cosmic Law of existence. Unfortunately, even up to the present time there is no true understanding of this powerful foundation of cosmic structure. People have forgotten, or rather do not want to admit, the great cosmic signficance of love. The materialism of our age puts love on the level of a purely physiological function. At best, love today is treated as a psychological process. But if the cosmic significance of love could be realized once more, people would see in love its highest function, i.e., the awakening of all the highest emotions and creative abilities. Precisely this awakening is the chief purpose and the true keynote of love. Love is a unifying creative power. On the higher planes of Being everything is created by thought. But for the fulfillment of these thoughtforms, there must be the two Elements united by Cosmic Love. (LHR I, p 371)
“Love one another”—this commandment was wisely given. Nothing can harmonize psychic energy better than love. (AUM, 515)
It was said long ago, “He who knows how to love has a fiery heart.” For strengthening the energy, fiery transport is needed. No form of reasoning produces that fire which is kindled by a spark of the feeling of love. (AUM, 516)
Without love there is no creation. (AUM, 158)
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