Lucifer is now at the head of the Black Brotherhood, which is very powerful, for it has co-workers among the masses over the entire span of the planet.
(LHR II, p 419)
Wherein lay the revolt of Lucifer?
He wishes to remain within the boundaries of the planet. And the legend of the Prince of the World is fairly true. He began to surround himself with spirits content with the earthly aura. In order to hold his followers he began to unfold before them the possibilities of earth, imitating—at times with skill—the counterposition of the opposing side. ...
Without him there would not be a definite boundary between the earth and the nearest spheres. Without him the difference between life on earth and on other spheres would be gradually effaced, permitting to incarnate spirits the movability of matter. But the Prince of the World, in opposition chains matter to the crust occupied by him. ...
Hence you shall have to depart to Saturn; for this, have you long been called Satan. (EC, pp 119-122)
see also Satan
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