(Sk.). The state of absolute existence and absolute consciousness, into which the Ego of a man who has reached the highest degree of perfection and holiness during life goes, after the body dies, and occasionally, as in the case of Gautama Buddha and others, during life. (TG)
Nirvana is the quality of assimilation of all actions. The saturation of all-inclusiveness brings you true knowledge, flowing from the tremor of illumination. (LMG II, p 205)
Conscious actions are necessary; they alone lead to Nirvana. (LMG II, p 206)
As for ‘Nirvana’, it means, according to the original Eastern concept, the transcendental, or the highest state of existence, which cannot be encompassed by the ordinary human mind; in other words, it is a complete contrast to non-existence. (LHR I, p 221)
Remember that the condition of Nirvana is the condition of the highest manifested perfection corresponding to a given cycle of evolution in each kingdom and species. Likewise, the consciousness, i.e., instinct, of plants and animals during Pralaya will have its corresponding Nirvana. There are as many degrees of Nirvana as there are cycles of perfection in Infinity. But the Nirvana will always be the expression of the maximum achievement of perfection corresponding to the particular stage of evolution. (LHR I, p 383)
Bliss, Nirvana, Divine Nearness and all analagous terms for the highest state are usually understood as an ecstatic oblivion and the rapture of the indolent rest, but oblivion can be understood only as the erasure of all earthly means and examples. Truly, why such limited earthly ways, when one may already act through the highest energies? Is it possible to identify Divine Nearness with indolence and immersion in oblivion? Such a correlation is contrary to the very meaning of approach to the Highest Principle. This communion with the Highest, this transformation through the highest energies, primarily impels one to an increased tension of all forces. Even in extreme tension a man cannot lose hold of himself. But amidst the contact with fiery radiances the seed of the spirit will kindle the more, and its striving towards thought-creation is unrestrainable. One may wonder why people try to limit and disparage the significance of the Fiery World? They wish to cloak it in earthly limitations as well as to stipulate that the inhabitants of other worlds must be in earthly bodies and in earthly circumstances. Only a dwarfed imagination can limit the development of your imagination as the foundation of striving towards the Highest Worlds. (FW I, 157)
Nirvana is actually fiery ascent. In every Teaching we find the symbol of this fiery ascent. (FW I, 157)
The highest tension of energies. (H, 260)
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