Complete obedience to the indications and the precise execution of them gives health and leads to great victory, to great Light. In ancient times obedience was a step toward the next ordainment. The one who was unable to realize entirely the discipline of obedience could never reach the higher degrees. Only the one who knew how to obey and to execute could take great responsibility and understand all the immutableness of the order.
With all this, one must firmly understand that all the given orders can never enslave the spirit of a disciple because there is always left the freedom of individual expression, and we know how endlessly we may refine the quality of the fulfillment of every task. Only a slave of yesterday may revolt against an order. Only a petty consciousness is afraid to lose its individuality by fulfilling the plans of his Guru. To rely upon our own accumulations, rejecting all that which we can assimilate from the high consciousness of the Teacher, means to reject any new accumulations. Individuality is formed from these new assimilations combined with previous accumulations. Extremely happy is the one who can draw upon the Treasury of the Great Consciousness. I wish to quote from the book, Infinity:
The idea of obedience to the Teacher seems to be alien to people. But how can the spirit lose when the Teacher is the Leading Light? How can the disciple lose his fire when the Teacher lights all fires? How can the Shield of the Teacher hold back the pupil if he is already inspired by his Teacher? How little does humanity desire to strive toward mutually beneficial work! But humanity must learn to act interdependently and to materialize all the thoughts affirmed by the Teacher. Thus, the Cosmic Mind fulfills evolution. Thus, humanity must learn to construct by higher measures. Verily, by following the Teacher you assimilate his Image
(LHR I, pp 54-55)
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