About this subject N.R. has said: “Only broad constructive work on a world scale, inspired by the national genius can raise the significance of a country and its position among other countries. Can you imagine that the armchair critics, who grumble, blame and scoff, can help at all? Can they do more than those whose energy is applied for development of culture? Will not this cultural uplift awaken a true esteem for a country? For every firm structure, first of all, it is necessary to have a powerful center. But a center which reflects a narrow nationalism cannot be successful in the world structure. Where is there such a country in the world of today that is built up of only one race?
And if some people think that narrow nationalism is equal to patriotism, they are very much mistaken. And even if at first glance some short-sighted people see power in it, they will discover that with the further development of such a movement there will result self-destruction. Each power let loose is a boomerang; and therefore we must be very careful about the way we throw into space these powers, for by the law of returned blow they sooner or later will either destroy or elevate us, depending upon how we use them.
True patriotism is so different from chauvinism. It is selfless love of one’s country together with respect toward the growth and development of one’s own nation. The true power and beauty of a country abides in its multiformity, in a comprehensiveness that does not preclude the fundamental oneness of the motherland. And the one who knows how to manifest this unity in diversity is really a great leader. The narrow nationalism of Germany has degraded that country and, if brought to life again, may destroy it. Patriotism is a high, most noble and sacred sentiment, but narrow nationalism or chauvinism is self-destructive. (LHR I, pp 218-219)
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