Philosopher’s Stone
Called also the ‘Powder of Projection’. It is the Magnum Opus of the Alchemists, an object to be attained by them at all costs, a substance possessing the power of transmuting the baser metals into pure gold. Mystically, however, the Philosopher’s Stone symbolizes the transmutation of the lower animal nature of man into the highest and divine. (TG)
The Philosophers’ Stone is something real. It must be understood spiritually and physically. The spiritual condition that is called “Stone” corresponds to the consonance of all the precipitates of psychic energy. Physically the preparation is quite close to the preparation of Paracelsus, but he made a basic error on which he insisted in vain. As for the rest, the Arabian sources which sustained Paracelsus were quite correct. (H, 27)
People have regarded the manifestation of the spirit as the philosopher’s stone. (AUM, 86)
see also Stone, The
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