Planetary Spirits
The Cosmic Intelligence is the Hierarchy of Light or the Ladder of Jacob. In addition, the Crown of this Hierarchy consists of the Spirits or Intelligences who have completed their human evolution in this or another solar system, the so-called Planetary Spirits, the Creators of the worlds. These Creators of worlds or planets are the Master Builders of the present and the future Universe. In the days of the Pralaya They are in charge of the great Vigil of Brahma and They mark the next cosmic evolution. Therefore, the Crown of Cosmic Intelligence does not depend on the Manvantaras; verily, They exist in the dimension of Infinity. Thus, the Highest Hierarch of our planet is one of the most resplendent Gems in the Crown of Cosmic Intelligence. (LHR I, p 339)
Primarily the rulers or governors of the planets. As our earth has its hierarchy of terrestrial planetary spirits, from the highest to the lowest plane, so has every other heavenly body. In Occultism, however, the term ‘Planetary Spirit’ is generally applied only to the seven highest hierarchies corresponding to the Christian archangels. These have all passed through a stage of evolution corresponding to the humanity of earth on other worlds, in long past cycles. Our earth, being as yet only in its fourth round, is far too young to have produced high planetary spirits. The highest planetary spirit ruling over any globe is in reality the ‘Personal God’ of that planet and far more truly its ‘over-ruling providence’ than the self-contradictory Infinite Personal Deity of modern Churchianity. (TG)
see also Crown of Hierarchy, Dhyan Chohan
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