The word ‘podvig’ is so beautiful! It has in itself the idea of self-perfecting and self-denial, the result of which is the advance of consciousness, not only personal but of the whole country. Verily, now is the time to call for podvig. (LHR I, p 188)
One must seriously ponder the concept of podvig as the necessary condition. The profound understanding of all the qualities that are included in podvig is extremely important. Therefore, it is useful to write down from the books of the Teaching all the necessary qualities enumerated there, as well as all vices which are obstacles on the path. Verily, it is most difficult for people to realize that the foundation of discipleship and of all spiritual achievement is the striving toward the Highest Ideal and the fiery purification of all one’s feelings and of one’s whole character. (LHR I, p 286)
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