Principles, Masculine and Feminine
As it is said in the Ancient Teachings, “From the beginning, before Mother became Father-Mother—in Infinity the Fiery Dragon moved …
“Thus, in the Cabbala—Ain-Suph is Space, Darkness. And from it, in due time, issues forth Sephira—the vital element. Sephira, when manifested as an active force, takes the image of Creator and becomes the Male Element. Therefore, it is the Androgyne. It is the Father-Mother, or Aditi, of Hindu Cosmogony and the Sacred Teaching. Thus, Darkness is Father-Mother; Light is Their Son. Darkness is the eternal womb in which the source of Light appears and disappears …
“Father and Mother are the masculine and feminine priniciples in the Root of Nature, or the opposite polarities in all things, in each plane of the Cosmos. They are Spirit and Substance, whose result is the Son …
“Thus, when Mother manifests from her undifferentiated state she becomes the sinless Virgin, who is adorned with the Universal Mystery (That), but is free from conception. Hence, comes the idea of the Immaculate Conception: She effuses out of Herself Her Consort. Thus, in the Eastern religions, one often comes across the definitions, given to all the highest Gods, ‘The Consort of His Mother’ and ‘The Son of the Immaculate Conception’. In every religious system, the gods fused their functions of Father, Son and Consort into one function. In each cosmogony, the Son was considered ‘The Consort of His Mother’. The title of the Highest Egyptian God, Amon, is ‘Consort of His Mother’.
“When the Son separates from the Mother, he becomes the Father. Therefore, it is said that in the world of Be-ness, the One Point or Ray impregnates the Virgin Womb of the Cosmos, and the sinless Mother gives birth to the Form which generates all other forms. The Hindu Prajapati (Brahma) is called ‘the first generating Masculine Element’ and ‘the Consort of His Mother.’” (LHR I, p 488)
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