By ‘psychism’ the Easterners as well as the Westerners mean the manifestations of the lower degrees of this energy, precisely those powers which are exhibited so strongly in mediums and psychics. This latter term is given in the West to those whose powers are somewhat higher than those of the usual medium. But in both cases the higher psychic energy is absent, as this quality can be manifested only when the centers are open and are fierily transmuted. Many misunderstandings occur, and many peculiar interpretations and applications are made, because these psychic happenings are wrongly determined.
The psychic realm is vast, and it includes an endless diversity of manifestations, from the highest to the lowest. All which have no connection with true spirituality, that is, with the planes of the higher Manas and Buddhi, is called psychism. All that is performed or achieved through the aid of mechanical exercises pertains to the realm of lower psychism, as such methods can never bring the opening of the higher centers, least of all their fiery transmutation. Such attempts result in insanity.
Contact with the lower spheres of the Subtle World is easy for mediums as well as animals. Certainly, animals see, sense and hear much more than we do. As Luke Berk says, “Clairvoyance is a common faculty; dogs, idiots and men are equally disposed to it”. It is curious to note that the vast majority of mediums and psychics (with the rarest exceptions) do not possess high intellectual abilities. Precisely, in mediums it is a certain peculiarity in the organism, and in psychics a lack of balance, that hinders the correct development of the higher centers and sometimes even completely paralyzes them. That is why we do not like mediums but feel rather sorry for them. Due to the peculiar structure of the organism, a medium from birth is opened to all external influences. The will of a medium easily submits to the obsessors, who are so numerous in the lower layers of the Subtle World, and the danger is that a medium does not realize his subjugation. Indeed, for a medium it is a most difficult thing to strengthen the will and thus resist the obsessors and whisperers. Many have mediumistic tendencies; however, these tendencies being yet nascent, they are unrealized, and lucky are those who do not develop them until spirituality is completely awakened. (LHR I, p 352)
The realm of psychism is so complex, so fearful, and it conceals many surprises for the self-deluded ‘adepts’. There is much conscious, and still more unconscious, deception in the visions of mediums and undisciplined psychics. Without the High Guidance, one cannot be safe in this sphere. Only a disciple who is under direct guidance of the Great Teachers can discriminate regarding these visions. In order to see and understand correctly, one must learn to control the lower manas and not permit it to interfere. There are many examples of visions when the higher Manas manifested the great truth but the feeling of selfishness called out the lower aspect of it; and the lower manas, by its interference, not only brought its own additions but distorted the whole sense of the manifested truth. (LHR I, p 298)
At a time when one sacrifices his soul for the good of the World, the other sits upon the water. While one offers his heart for the salvation of his fellow-men, the other flounders in the manifestations of the Subtle World. The saints of Great Service have no psychism because they are always striving in spirit toward Hierarchy, and their heart resounds to the anguish of the World. Psychism is a window into the Subtle World, but the teacher tells the pupil, “Do not turn so often to the window, look into the book of life” (FW II, 14)
One must realize that mediumship has nothing to do with the opening of the centers. Remember that in one of the books of the Teaching mediums are referred to as inns for disembodied liars! The same is true of psychism, which is far from the fiery transmutation of the centers. (LHR I, p 298)
see also Mediums
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