Satya Yuga
(Sk.). The golden age, or the age of truth and purity. (TG)
It would be more correct to say that the cycle of Kali Yuga is approaching its end on our planet and that we are now going through a transitory stage. Satya Yuga must begin with the affirmation of the sixth race, individual groups of which are already appearing on Earth. But the true era of Satya Yuga on our planet can begin only after the planet is purified of its unfit material and new continents are formed. As usual, the passages of the epoch appear much earlier, but the continents that are predestined to accept the majority of the sixth race can manifest many signs of the coming New Epoch. (LHR I, p 456)
All world upheavals and spiritual shiftings are governed by Fire. Only when Our Principle will be affirmed upon the planet will the era of Satya Yuga begin. All of human life proceeds aimlessly for those who do not accept the Perfect Heart and the sublimity of Reason. (INF II, 279)
The Fiery Host is often called thus because Satya Yuga begins with the element of fire. (AY, 307)
Therefore, during the epoch of unbalance between good and evil, prior to the epoch of Satya Yuga, humanity must show exactitude of direction. (INF I, 230)
Thus one can see the end of Kali Yuga. It depends upon humanity where will be the beginning of Satya Yuga. We know that Satya Yuga is preordained, but its location and conditions may differ. (HIER, 118)
It is generally known that before the beginning of Satya Yuga the scroll of karma rolls up with especial rapidity. (HIER, 364)
We finish Our writing on this Great Day, when one more step of Satya Yuga has begun. The step of ascent was proclaimed through scriptures long ago, but the dust of the bazaar dulled people’s eyes. So it is today. It will again be asked, “Where is the trumpet call, where are the wings of the angels, where is the sundering mountains and seas?” The blind ones take the tempest for a call to the repast.
Thus, the cure is in the realization of the Hierarchy of the Heart. The Teaching will be revealed to those who have perceived the right path. The Messenger will knock at their door. (HIER, 460)
see also Kali Yuga
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