Simply, simply, simply, applying love, courage and readiness. This is no time for inflated bubbles; out of place is conceit, especially when compared with Christ’s washing of the fishermen’s feet.
In simplicity of life, in realization of the dignity of service to the New World, love for the worthy opens the Gates. (LMG II, p 58)
You may write emphatically about simplicity, because nothing so much bars the way as the puffiness of self-conceit. One must exert utmost efforts to reject every germ of self-conceit, and without sinking into bigotry. It seems an old truth, but now it must be reiterated. Everyone must understand for himself where his simplicity is lacking.
Inasmuch as self-confidence is blessed in action, so is self-conceit ruinous. Self-conceit is hostile to simplicity. Even great minds are subject to this malady, and must return an additional time to labor until they eradicate this husk. One of the impeding conditions is lack of simplicity. One may wear bast-shoes and still not be simple. In simplicity one can build the greatest temple.
Simplicity, beauty and fearlessness—Christ and Buddha spoke of nothing more. And it is a blessing if the spirit vibrates to these covenants.
Do you notice that We even try to speak in the simplest words, only to bring nearer the downfall of the Tower of Babel? Hence, say that We shall reduce the dictionaries to ashes if they have made of the incisive words of Christ a heap of savage concepts. Simply it was said: “Pray in no wise but in spirit.”
(LMG II, p 61)
We rejoice especially when the magnitude of the Plan is being garbed in simplicity. Remember, simplicity possesses the power of attraction. This magnet corresponds to the new abode. (LMG II, p 163)
The Teacher does not use force. He acts according to the intelligence of the co-workers. Often, the leader sees a short and simple plan of achievement, the very simplicity of which is above the consciousness of the co-workers. Then the wise leader will not insist upon his own way, after considering the abilities of the co-workers, he will select a line of action which is of easy access for the majority. (LHR I, p 35)
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