Sixth Race
Now, We assemble the spirits of the sixth race, and Agni Yoga is the Call! And the synthesis of the Lotus attests a new creative step. (INF I, 188)
The sixth race is now taking its rightful place … Precisely, the sixth race must begin the New Era, and this preparatory period is very strenuous. But it would be wrong to think that the sixth race is being born in one particular country or nationality; it is spread widely. Certainly, there is always a main kernel of the sixth race, and in the time of catastrophe its members will be gathered into places of safety. (LHR I, p 226)
The assembling of a race is accomplished by the law of the Magnet, and unlimited thought lies at its foundation. If man would manifest fire as a conscious task of the spirit for the future, then the race could be united easily; but the conditions under which We now assemble the race demand great labor. The Agni Yogi must melt the old residue in the consciousness and direct humanity to new consciousness. So strongly propelled toward the attestation of the cosmic fires is the consciousness of the future that it is necessary to manifest a new generation through selection of the very young. (INF I, 192)
If We could reveal to humanity the records of human deeds, verily it would be horror-stricken! It is therefore very difficult to collect the new race. Submersion in darkness imposes a great strain. Therefore We take fire as a manifest symbol of pure striving. (INF I, 194)
Therefore, the assertion of fusion will be disclosed as a key to the sixth race. (INF I, 229)
When you create a new step, when Uranus is collecting the sixth race, then it is necessary to be imbued with the affirmed great time, and all the interfering worries should be discarded. (LHR I, p 20)
Toward the end of the sixth and the beginning of the seventh race, there will occur the materialization of the astral bodies. (LHR I, p 195)
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