Sleep is a participation in the life of the subtle sphere. The condition of sleep is significant from the point of view of psychic energy. It is undoubtedly strengthened, but in a special quality; in other words, it acquires the distinctive quality of the Subtle World. (AUM, 213)
Sleep affords communion with the Higher Spheres. Sleep proves that without such communion people are unable to exist. The explanation of sleep as bodily repose is a most primitive one. Without sleep people can usually go on but a very short time before their thinking falls into a most ailing state; hallucinations and torpor, and other signs of an unnatural existence appear. The organism strives for the life-giving exchange, and does not find the ordained way. As We said, sleep can be brief on the heights, where the currents of communion can be especially nourishing. People may remember about meetings in the higher Spheres or in the lower. The dense body can impede such essential communions, but sleep as such will be the gift of the eternal life. And such meditation will help on the path to the Fiery World. (FW II, 396)
Do not avoid sleep. Sleep is beneficial and absolutely necessary for the nourishment of the Subtle Body. Only during sleep is it easily exuded and nourished intensively with the finest energies—to say nothing of the great lessons received while in this state. Not only does one learn to merge into different spheres, but also fulfills the commissions of his Teacher and often participates in battles with the dark forces. Why should we deprive ourselves of such a great privilege, which first of all is given to the disciples of the Great White Brotherhood. If it is necessary to decrease our food, the organism will indicate it. The same is true about sleep. Often the work in the Subtle World is more significant than the work in the physical world. (LHR I, p 162)
It is almost foolish to think that one can develop and increase the supply of psychic energy by too much work and too little sleep. (LHR I, p 237)
It is not a decrease in food but a lack of sleep that injures the organism.
(LHR I, p 281)
see also Soma
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