The Teaching must color every act and every speech. This tinting, as of a beautiful textile, will adorn the effects of speech. According to the effects must the quality of a sending be judged. One should become accustomed to the fact that the sending itself can appear unintelligible, for only its inner meaning has a shield.
Accustom yourselves to placing significance in each speech, eradicating needless babble.
It is difficult to renounce the feeling of ownership; it is likewise difficult to overcome babbling. (COM, 100)
Human speech should be guarded against various disfigurements that are ugly and unexpressive. Futhermore, language needs to be cleansed of certain archaisms based on long outmoded usages. People often utter words without taking into consideration their significance. Thus they fill their speech with meaningless names and concepts. Indeed they would have to laugh if they were to reflect upon the real meaning of what they had said. So, too, in everything one should abandon the outlived, which has lost its meaning. (BR, 286)
The antithesis of prayer is profanity. It defiles and disturbs space. It is forbidden to have in the cities factories that produce poisonous gases; yet the consequences of blasphemy and foul speech are far more harmful. (AUM, 38)
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