Space is filled with fundamental cosmic matter, or cosmic substance —Spirit Matter, or the substance Purusha-Prakriti … This matter or substance is the basis of our Universe in its visibility and invisibility. As a foundation, as a potentiality of all existence, this substance is everywhere one, but its differentiations are infinite. (LHR I, p 382)
The Cosmic Substance, Spirit-Matter, which is spread throughout Infinity, is the Divine Foundation or the Potential of All-Being. In its endless manifestations, differentiations and changes of forms, it strives toward infinite perfection and self-consciousness in these particular forms. (LHR I, p 383)
The East knows and believes in the Divine Principle, ineffable and eternally cognizable—which amounts to inconceivable—the One Element, eternally manifesting Itself in a visible and invisible Universe. This Element is also known as the Absolute, as It contains in Itself Everything. In Its manifested form, It is Spirit-Matter, as Matter in reality is only Its differentiation or Quality. Pure Spirit may be manifested or perceived only through the cover of Matter. That is why it is said that without Matter pure Spirit is Naught.
(LHR I, p 394)
It is wrong to regard the primary Matter as without spirit. Primary Matter is the first stage of the manifestation of Spirit, consequently it is the highest one. Spirit without matter is naught. (LHR I, pp 433-434)
It would be wrong to say that matter is passive, as matter does not exist without spirit; just as, strictly speaking, there is no such thing as a “passive element”. In the manifested world, everything is passive and active concurrently. Do not forget the law of relativity. Also, remember that the stages or degrees of manifestation of spirit-matter are infinite! In the second volume of the Teaching, it is said that “Matter is a condition of Spirit.” (LHR I, p 440)
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