Spirituality, first of all, is consciousness, and consciousness is the foundation of the Universe. Each atom has its consciousness, as wherever there is life there is consciousness; but, of course, its gradations are infinite. It is true that in the Subtle World there are half-conscious, or even unconscious, posthumous conditions, but only in those cases where spirituality is either dormant or absent, or when a person in his earthly life failed to develop his higher abilities and thus severed communication with his spiritual centers, which alone can give us the true immortality of the Man-God, who possesses clear knowledge. (LHR I, p 194)
Spirituality is both an earned and natural quality. On the middle steps it can be cultivated, but it is necessary to begin such transformation from birth. One must provide a pure atmosphere, not darken the imagination with base views, learn to rejoice at the truly highest and beautiful, eschew luxury and any form of filth. The spiritual man will not be a hypocrite, nor will he be liar nor coward. He will cognize labor as an indispensable means of perfectionment, but his heart prayer will be flamingly beautiful. (FW III, 499)
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