Straight-knowledge is knowledge and experience accumulated in our Chalice. It is so-called intuition, but of an extremely high quality.
(LHR I, p 448)
Straight-knowledge is the very high energy which manifests from all the accumulated spiritual treasures in us. (LHR I, p 433)
Straight-knowledge is the Cosmic Heart, or the Consciousness of the Cosmic Mind of the Hierarchy of Light. The Cosmic Magnet is the bond with the Higher Worlds in the plan of Be-ness. Our inner bond with the Heart, and Consciousness of the Great Teacher of Humanity brings us into the powerful current of the Cosmic Magnet. (LHR I, p 447)
Someone has said, “Often a simple woman has a better sense of straight-knowledge than a woman-graduate of a university.” Here I must remark, “Such a woman is ‘simple’ perhaps in the sense of not possessing social position or education, but not simple in the sense of lacking spiritual serenity.” People often confuse great straight-knowledge, which is the result of many experiences of many incarnations, with a certain psychism. The latter manifests itself in more or less correct presentiments, dreams and certain perceptions of the astral plane, according to the consciousness. On the other hand, straight-knowledge knows unfailingly, knows just the essence of things, the direction of evolution, as well as the future. Straight-knowledge is the synthesis of spirituality and, of course, only a developed spirit with an accumulated Chalice possesses it … The one who listens to the voice of his heart will the more easily awaken his straight-knowledge. The heart is the best instructor in all the problems of life. (LHR I, pp 166-167)
The spark of Divinity, or God, in us can be so developed by the striving of the heart that it may fuse with the highest fire of space. Then it can reveal by its Light all the accumulated spiritual treasures in us, these very high energies which manifest as majestic Straight-Knowledge. But the degree of this illumination will correspond completely with the accumulations of the Chalice of the individual. (LHR I, p 433)
How can one call attention to the new energies? Straight-knowledge will aid in the acquisition of keen sight. Soon people will be divided according to their straight-knowledge. One should distinguish as keenly as possible the people with open consciousness. Not education, not experience, not talent, but precisely the fire of straight-knowledge opens the direct path to Shambhala. Precisely the fire of straight-knowledge indicates the unique quality of the new signs in the midst of daily life. One can foresee that institutions will guard with special care the lives of such sensitive co-workers. Such consciousnesses are like milestones upon a straight road. Scientific observations will be directed by the fire of straight-knowledge. (AY, 282)
see also Spirit-Knowledge
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