All manifestations of energies are creatively saturated when the impulse which moves them issues from the source of the heart. That which in the Cosmos is considered to be the true impelling force, in the laboratory of the heart is called striving. (FW III, 207)
Only the pull of consciousness affords independent action. Only independent action is in step with the Cosmic Magnet, and the creativeness of the spirit, which effects the designated step, produces striving. (INF II, 252)
Each striving thought creates in the space. Each striving thought creates forms. (INF II, 276)
The goal and the meaning of existence is to strive upward beyond the limits of the known, and to help one another. (LMG II, p 83)
Let us remember that a thinking being is never lonely because thought is his greatest magnet and brings similar response from space. Therefore, if we want to receive a beautiful answer we should send into vibrating space our striving thoughts saturated with the pure fire of the heart; only the thought which is spiritualized by striving, nourished by the heart, can create and attract as a powerful magnet. Thought without striving and flaming quality is sterile. Thus, let us long for knowledge, for broad thoughts, and in our striving we shall dare, as only daring thought molds new ways. (LHR I, p 4)
Courageously, inspired by striving, realizing the majesty of the endless perfecting of creative life, strive toward the calling Infinity—infinity of lives, infinity of achievements, infinity of knowledge, infinity of construction, infinity of beauty! (LHR I, pp 4-5)
When the spirit surrounds the manifested power of its essence with the burdensome accumulations, it departs from striving. The burdens are so heavy that the spirit loses its approach to the Tower. That is why those who know this affirmation move ahead by transmuting their ego. When the spirit does not strive to outlive its burdens, it attracts the affirmed obstacle. Thus, there is a balance between striving and consequences … Self-conceit deprives man of the wonderful striving. What remarkable definitions of striving—this key to all the Gates—are given in the books of the Teaching! (LHR I, p 37)
Fearlessness and striving are two of the foundations of the Teaching. It is almost impossible to stop something that is in striving motion. Similarly does striving thought surmount all obstacles. (LHR I, p 43)
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