Psychic Energy was sometimes called Teros. In Hermetic writings one may find this expression: ‘The warrior Teros raised his shield!’ So was indicated the protective significance of the psychic energy.
Did you ever hear of a yogi’s being devoured by beasts? There was never such an occurence, for no animal, which possesses a particle of instinct, would dare against the shield of Teros. The essential thing is to summon the Teros out of the Chalice to the extremities. The channels of the Chalice branch out to all the extremities, and some can sense the light of the Chalice with a feeling of tension in the hands and feet, or the light of the Brahmarandhra center with a corresponding feeling in the Chalice. All this is not metaphysics but an indication for application in life. Many are in need of protection; why, then, not utilize one’s own treasure?
It is not difficult to accumulate the energy of Teros, and it is not difficult to bring it out. One should also not lose consciousness at the decisive hour. Then it is not far to the deadly eye. A yogi does not kill an animal by his will, but the evil will smashes against the shield of Teros. One has to understand that not a coercive will, but the accumulation of the Chalice gives protection and reaction. (AY, 565)
see also Psychic Energy
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