Is it possible to imagine how diversely is assistance given? It should not be thought that the means of assistance are limited only to the methods of charitable institutions. The best help arrives unexpectedly, but one must accept it. There are many meetings; there are many unknown letters; many unexpected books are sent, as if by chance. Over many years, he who possesses a searching mind will compare these strange incidents, and if he is not devoid of a sense of gratitude, he will send his thankfulness to the unknown Guardians. (BR, 572)
People talk much about the aid that should issue from Our Dwelling. Let us analyze the capacity of people to accept this help. Each person who dreams of assistance has already defined selfishly the direction and measure of it. Can an elephant find room in a low cellar? But the seeker of help considers neither the proportion nor the suitability of it. Lilies should flower during wintertime, and in the desert a spring must burst forth; otherwise the Teacher’s merit is small.
“But, maker of the desert and lord of the cold, you created your own thirst and shudder from the cold of your own heart. My spring remained beyond your vision and you did not turn to regard My flowers. You encrusted your way with selfishness and found time only to guard your cherished soles from the thorns which you yourself grew. My help took flight like a startled bird. My messenger hastens back, and white Lobnor bays mournfully. My help is rejected.”
But the traveler continues dully to call for help, and directs his attention to the site of his future destruction. Therefore We always advise alertness, flexibility, open-mindedness. Otherwise one cannot keep in step with reality. (AY, 164)
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