A legend from the middle ages. (This legend has much in common with the famous novel, “Frankenstein.”) There was a learned rabbi who was an alchemist in Germany during a time of persecution of the Jews. In his revengefulness, he wished to punish the persecutors of his people. So, he decided to create artificially a giant possessing enormous strength who would be under his complete control and would do his bidding. With his unusual knowledge he succeeded in creating such a giant, implanting in him a spark of animal life. After many magic rituals, the great mystery of the formula of life was discovered by the rabbi. It took the emblematic form of the star and the rabbi placed this upon the chest of the giant, who immediately came to life and was dispatched by his creator to fulfill his destructive mission.
Golem stalked along, heedless of obstacles, obedient to the will of his maker alone, destroying everything in his way. Many calamities and deaths were caused by Golem among the persecutors of the Jews. Finally, after destroying one whole village, he marched from there out into a field, where he saw a little girl plucking flowers. The animal life had given animal instincts to the giant and he was attracted to the child. He lifted the little one but was hesitating to kill her. At that moment, the child noticed the star on his breast and plucked it off, and at once the vital spark left the giant. According to the legend, only a pure hand could remove the star, the symbol of the great formula of life. (LHR I, p 402)
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