Guiding Hand
The hand of the Hierarch.
Humanity must develop sensitiveness if it desires to avoid a catastrophe. How is it possible that it does not understand that help can come only if the Guiding Hand is accepted! (INF II, 116)
Where can the spirit direct itself without the Guiding Hand? Where can the eye and heart be directed without Hierarchy, when the bestowing Hand of the Hierarch affirms the direction of destiny, when the Hand of the Hierarch determines the most propitious date and the higher energies manifest in familiar Images? Therefore, the seed of the spirit is imbued by the cosmic ray of the Hierarch. (INF II, 148)
The union with Hierarchy means that one is not left to advance alone. ... When our hearts are linked to Hierarchy we shall not be abandoned. We can advance in the Subtle World when the Guiding Hand is not rejected. (FW II, 334)
see also Guardian Hand, Guidance, Hand, Hierarchy
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