Light is matter plus motion. (LHR I, p 306)
Now let us turn to the second sign of the Triune name, to the Primary Cause—Light. People have so confused the concept of Light with lighting that they cannot imagine Light as energy. Let us not look into that Infinity where thought and Light and all that exists merge into unity, but according to the earthly understanding let us apprehend Light as a salutary energy, without which life is impossible. Light is the most pervasive messenger of salvation. One can distinctly comprehend a difference between utilitarian fire and cosmic Light. Not fire, but radiance surrounds each living being. The benevolent thinker is surrounded by a rainbow, and through his light brings healing. So many times We have foretold the future of these radiations. We have said that with such a criterion the very structure of life will be transformed. One may rightly call Light the principle which leads to regeneration. Thought and Light are so closely linked that thought may be called luminiferous. (AUM, 143)
Darkness is finite, but Light is manifested Infinitely. Each one who knows this simplest of truths is already invincible. (AUM, 162)
Light reveals the darkness and then disperses it. The bearer of light also sees the dark shadows, which vanish at the approach of light. (BR, 580)
The best connections with the light are obtained in the morning. Therefore, do not shut out the morning light. Work in the light, make decisions in the light, pass judgments in the light, grieve in the light, rejoice in the light. Nothing is to be compared with the light wave. Even the best electricity, even the bluest, yields eight thousand times less light than a ray of the sun. (LMG II, p 241)
see also Photoplasm
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