Dark Forces or Dark Ones
The pattern of work of the dark ones is first to sow disbelief, then to saturate it with desires, then to inflate these into crimes and reap a double harvest. (LMG II, p 119)
One should understand that the forces of darkness are battling constantly against Brotherhood. Each reminder, even a small one, about Brotherhood will be violently assailed. Everything that can lead to Brotherhood will be condemned and defamed. (BR, 176)
Under the disguise of Light, the Dark Forces try with all their might to penetrate to the spiritual hearths, so that they can disturb and corrupt them. (LHR II, p 274)
The biggest centers of population are usually chosen by the main dark forces and are used as their centers. And their best weapon is the ignorant masses.
(LHR II, p 6)
see also Obsession
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