(Sk.). One of the states between two earth-lives into which the Ego (made up of the 3 highest principles) enters after leaving Kama-Rupa. It is a state during which the person’s finest earth desires are at last realized in a time of perfect subjective bliss. ... no sensual, material, or unholy recollection can follow the purified memory of the Ego to the region of Bliss. The Karma for these recollections of evil deeds and thoughts will reach the Ego when it changes its personality in the following world of causes. The Monad or the “Spiritual Individuality”, remains untainted in all cases. No sorrow or pain for those born there (in the Rupa Loka or Deva-chan); for this is the Pureland. All the regions in Space possess such lands (Sakwala), but the land of Bliss is the most pure.
(ML, p 105)
Devachan is a place of pleasant realizations. But at the same time it is dangerous, because a weak spirit is reluctant to leave so pleasant a situation. This station yields the greatest unwillingness to return for more labor. And when the time comes to leave this Valhalla, while the mental body impels one to achievement, the astral body finds the place most comfortable. (LMG II, p 82-83)
Devachan is not an obligatory state. Devachan is like a reservoir of forces. The renewal of the spirit is achieved there. But many souls have a large store of strength and do not need it. They await the date for a new manifestation.
(LMG II, pp 154-155)
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