Dukkar or Dukka
(Sk.). The many-eyed and many-armed, is a Tibetan Divinity of the Feminine Element. She is the equivalent of the Hindu Kali and Lakshami, the symbol of The Mother of the World. Usually, on Tibetan tankas, She is represented under an umbrella, which symbolizes the gathered drops of highest bliss. (LHR I, p 496)
In the ancient pictures of the Mother of the World (in the Tibetan language, Dukkar the Many-Eyed), her aura consists of eyes. Each ray terminates with an eye ... Likewise, among the Great Teachers, the manifestation of the Eye of Dangma is especially valued. This is not clairvoyance, as generally understood, but the straight-knowledge accumulated in the Chalice during the thousands of lives and self-sacrificing experiences. The goal of this accumulation is to achieve a great destiny and become a full Arhat, or Man-God. (LHR I, p 427)
Realize how useful it is to follow Our Counsel without grievance, knowing that the emanations of the storm intensify the centers. But under the umbrella of Dukkar we shall endure. The Teacher has many sentinels. (AY, 497)
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