Eye of Dangma
The manifestation of the Eye of Dangma is especially valued. This is not clairvoyance, as generally understood, but the straight-knowledge accumulated in the Chalice during thousands of lives and self-sacrificing experiences. The goal of this accumulation is to achieve a great destiny and become a full Arhat, or Man-God. (LHR I, p 427)
The highest achievement of a Yogi is the opening of the Eye of Dangma, and it is not what we call clairvoyance. It is the awakening of perceptions which never can be developed by any mechanical means but which comes as the result of accumulations of uninterrupted spiritual aspirations and self-sacrifices over thousands of years; and these results are manifestsed in the most subtle energies, which are stored and preserved in the Chalice. (LHR I, p 204)
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