A term coined by the Theosophists to render more accurately the essential meaning of the untranslatable word Sat. It is absolute Be-ness, not Being, the one secondless, undivided, and indivisible All—the root of all Nature visible and invisible, objective and subjective, to be sensed by the highest spiritual intuition, but never to be fully comprehended. (TG)
The symbol of Be-ness may be defined as attraction. Be-ness in its boundlessness may be affirmed as Infinity. The entire essence of Be-ness is contained in this law of communion with the Fire of Space and in the principle interchange of energies. Root of ideation is the profound basis of Be-ness.
(H, 128)
Since Be-ness is Fire, all is permeated with it. Since Be-ness is Fiery Expanse, our life is filled with cosmic energy. (INF I, 56)
To know the significance of Be-ness means to be convinced of the goal-fitness of existence. (INF II, 282)
An opinion exists that prayer is something apart from daily life, whereas it is the foundation of life. Without a link with the Higher World humanity would be unthinkable, it would be worse than the beasts! Thus, one may regard this bond with the Higher World as the foundation of Be-ness. It matters not in what language the invocation is uttered. Thought has no tongue, yet it is all-pervading. (AUM, 42)
History shows how the nests of true thoughts have been put together, therefore the science of thought is the science of Be-ness. It is inadmissible to complicate the study of thought with any restrictions. Besides, this science must be forever alive, for thought continually vibrates and lives in space. Thus, an aspiring study of thought leads to an understanding of so-called phenomena, which are nothing but unrealized psychic energy in its various manifestations.
(AUM, 287)
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