Called in the Teachings—Inns for disembodied liars. They are the human beings who, due to a certain structure of the organism that enables the etheric double (the lower astral body) to effuse easily and without the least control of the will, fall victims of the most undesireable inhabitants of the Subtle World who take advantage of such ethereal emanations and use them for their own purposes. (LHR I, pp 398-399)
Correct is the consideration about mediums that their lymph is a mechanical link with the Astral World. But, limited to mechanics, mediumism is not protected against outside intrusion. It is also correct to understand that the forces of darkness exert all their ingenuity to remain in earthly spheres.
(FW II, 64)
One must always point out the harm of psychic manifestations. In ancient India, fakirs and mediums were not allowed into the holy of holies of the temples. Likewise, the Hierophants of Egypt did not accept mediums and psychics as disciples. They even avoided lymphatic servants ... One must realize that mediumship has nothing to do with opening of the centers.
(LHR I, p 298)
see also Obsession
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