Michael, the Archstrategist
The Leader of the Army of Light.
I must also remind you that all the Archangels and Angels had to go through human evolution. And the Archangel Varahael, or Uriel, was and is a MAN. Likewise the Archangel Michael, though ranking among the Highest Archangels, nevertheless walked on our sinful Earth, bringing salvation. If these greatest Spirits who gave the impetus to the creation and development of thought at the dawn of our earthly physical humanity and who continued to impel the evolution of the human consciousness throughout the entire span of this most difficult and lengthly process had not done so, our earthly humanity, even up to this day, would have remained at the caveman stage. Precisely, the great Archangels are those Seven Kumaras who, including the highest One among Them, are spoken of in Eastern Scriptures and in The Secret Doctrine. They came from the higher worlds, and They made the greatest sacrifice by incarnating as the great Founders of religions, kingdoms and philosophies, during all the turning points in the history of the planet, in order to quicken the evolution of humanity. So, the Archangel Michael is now guarding the destiny of our planet. He is destined to fight the last Battle with the Prince of this World. (LHR I, pp 350-351)
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