Determination conditions the law of occult facets. Even a stone is cut in facets for the manifestation of the inner fire. Likewise, the path to the Light is divided by clearly discernible lines ...
A rational path is divided into periods of about a thousand days each. The three years of these periods, similar in exterior aspect, completely differ as to the qualities of spiritual consciousness concerned. The sharper the line of distinction, the more conformable to the plan is the path. Usually the first year of the three-year period is characterized as preparatory, the second is an active one, the third a dim and wearisome threshold.
Let us begin a new period. It may be called “earthly homelessness.” One must cast aside all past considerations and rush into a desert of boundless stillness, where thunderstorms and whirlwinds entwine one under a radiant dome. Amidst the storms a new raiment will be woven.
Let the next period be called “The Luminous,” and thus let us build it. Let us courageously turn the steeds into the haze of the desert. The experience of homeless wandering must be lived through. In like manner have walked all Seekers.
One can welcome this period, when the boundaries between countries are being erased. (LMG II, pp 194-195)
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